Scholarly and Creative Activity Award | College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

Scholarly and Creative Activity Award


SCA awards, supported by funds from the Office of Research and Economic Development, are now administered directly by the Colleges that participate in this program.


Scholarly and Creative Activity (SCA) Awards, for amounts up to $4,000 from the Office of Research and Economic Development, are intended to enable work in the arts, humanities, and social sciences to enhance faculty member's scholarly and creative endeavors in areas for which there are few private and federal funding sources. Actual amounts may vary on an annual basis.


· Funds must be expended by July 31, 2023.

· Funds from SCA Awards may not be used for travel to workshops and conferences. Travel reimbursement will be based on actual expenses (up to the GSA per diem limit) and itemized receipts will be required. In addition, certain items may not be paid for using these funds, for example, alcohol, tips/gratuities, and gifts cards will not be reimbursed.

· Only one SCA may be awarded to a faculty member every two years. Successful applicants are required to submit a one page written report before end of September 2023. In addition, successful applicants will be required to be on the selection committee for the SCA grants the year after their grant completion. If you have received a SCA in the past, please include a copy of your one page written report with this year's application.


To be eligible for a SCA Award the faculty member must be employed on a full-time basis in a tenured or tenure track position in The College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences.

Selection Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated by a committee of faculty considering

(i) The intellectual significance or artistic merit of the project, including its potential contribution to the field;

(ii) The feasibility of the plan of work; the likelihood the project will be completed in the projected timeframe and the appropriateness of the budget.

(iii) The qualifications and expertise of the artist or scholar in relation to the project goals and the stage of the applicant's career;

(iv) The potential for success; the promise of the quality and the impact of any resulting publication or work of art;


Applications for the SCA Awards must be turned in by 5:00 pm November 7, 2022 to Department Chair, then on to CLASS Dean's office (GAB 210) or electronically to


Right mouse click on the file links below. Click "Save Link as" and save the form on your computer. Go to the file you saved on your computer and open the form. You will need to download the form to access the fillable copy as it may not work in-browser. There is a copy that can be completed electronically and one that is simply de-formatted for entering your own text boxes in PDF readers or printing/filling out manually.