Written by: Caitlin.Childs@unt.edu
Dear CLASS Students,
I hope this message finds you healthy and safe. The shift to online in March was swift
and unexpected. It was difficult, but in true Mean Green style, you rose to the challenge
and we are very proud of you and I want to thank you for your hard work, patience
and tenacity.
As we prepare for Fall 2020, it will not be without challenges but we are working
diligently to make preparations to return as safely as possible. I know you have questions
about the fall semester. The purpose of this message is to update you on where we
stand at the moment on the reopening process at UNT and in CLASS. Although there are
additional details to be finalized and plans will continue to evolve with the changing
situation, we hope to have complete information to you in the next couple of weeks.
Here's what we know so far. First, we are sticking to the original academic schedule
of having classes start on Monday, August 24 and end on December 11. However, in-person
instruction will cease after the Thanksgiving holiday. UNT will continue to hold classes
six days a week just as we have in the past, but this fall we will also teach more
classes later into each day and on Saturday. Second, safety will be a priority as
we return to campus. You will see hand sanitizer stations strategically placed throughout
campus and there will be other measures designed to keep us all safe. Be sure to attend
the President's safety town hall on Monday to learn more.
As a university, we believe approximately half of our classes will be available in
person this fall; the rest will be offered remotely or online. Safety is a top priority,
so to accommodate social distance, we are currently mapping existing courses to new
rooms and in some cases new times. The typical classroom will be able to accommodate
about 25% to 40% of normal capacity to allow for social distancing. We have secured
additional spaces typically used for meetings and events and will be scheduling these
for instructional use. After we finalize the Fall 2020 class schedule and room assignments,
you will have the opportunity to make changes to your schedule. You will not need
to re-register for courses, but be sure to talk to your advisor if you have questions
about what you see on your schedule or if you would like to make changes.
In CLASS, a we are currently focused on scheduling in-person sections for those courses
heavily populated by first-year students. Many of these courses will be available
fully or partially in person. The same is true for courses mostly occupied by seniors.
Computer labs and equipment rooms will be open daily for students who need to access
equipment and software in person. We are also working to continue to offer remote
access to computer labs and software. However, for students who want to be totally
online, there may be a way to do this and early consultation with an advisor is recommended.
We are committed to providing you a high-quality educational experience. Unlike this
spring when we had minimal time to adjust our instruction, we are spending all summer
investing in training and technology that will allow us to provide an even higher-quality
classroom experience.
Facilities and offices that support students will also be open on campus this fall.
The CLASS advising office will be open every day and will continue online advising
and provide in-person advising by appointment only. The CLASS dean's office will also
be open every day to support student needs. We can also look forward to the resumption
of student clubs and organizations on campus. We encourage CLASS student organizations
to continue to recruit, network and meet either online or using the university's established
social distancing guidelines. Across campus, student support services such as UNT
Libraries, computer labs, advising offices, the Career Center, the Pohl Recreation
Center, the Learning Center, Student Veteran Services, and all of the other services
we all rely upon will be open.
In true Mean Green spirit, the health, safety and success of our community - students,
faculty, staff, and visitors - continues to lead our priorities and will continue
to drive us for the rest of the summer. I appreciate your patience as we work through
the many details of the fall schedule, and I hope this information helps you as you
make plans for the fall. We are looking forward to having you back on campus!
Tamara L. Brown
Executive Dean