Written by: Emma.Carnes@unt.edu

Meet Dr. Joanna Davis-McElligatt, who will be joining the Department of English as
an assistant professor in Fall 2019. We are featuring Dr. Davis-McElligatt as part
of the #NewToCLASS campaign. Follow the hashtag on Instagram to meet our new faculty
as we continue to post before the start of the semester.
Why did you decide to teach at UNT?
I was impressed by the university's long-standing commitment to the arts and humanities,
and by the dynamism of UNT's radically diverse student body. Everywhere I go, I meet
first-generation scholars, immigrants, people of color, gender nonconforming and queer
students, students with disabilities, and nontraditional academics who have chosen
to study here. As a queer black woman scholar of critical race and ethnic studies,
who has often found herself from the outside of higher education looking in, it's
of critical importance to me to be able to nurture the intellectual and emotional
growth of marginalized students. It's a fantastic and exciting opportunity to be able
to work at a majority-minority institution, and to continue developing my pedagogical
praxis in tandem with the needs of UNT's scholarly community.
What are you most excited to teach your students?
My primary areas of expertise are Black Diasporic Literature, Critical Race and Ethnic
Studies, and Southern Studies, which encompass an astonishingly broad intellectual
and theoretical terrain. This fall I'm teaching a fantastic course on the literature,
philosophy, and aesthetics of Afrofuturism, which will give us an opportunity to read
some of the greats, including N.K. Jemisin, Fred Moten, Octavia Butler, and Nalo Hopkinson.
In future semesters, however, I'm excited to teach courses on the literature of the
black immigrant experience in the US. My current monograph-in-progress, Black and
Immigrant: The New Black Diaspora in American Literature, explores the radical and
ever-expanding body of literature produced by immigrants of African descent to the
United States--think Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Taiye Selasi, Teju Cole, and Edwidge
Danticat. Black immigrant fiction transforms our understanding of what it means to
be black, what it means to be a citizen, and what it means to be a immigrant in new
and important ways that are crucial to our understanding of life in the 21st century.
What are you bringing to UNT that is new and different?
For many years now, I've been working in the field of Comics Studies. And though it
wasn't until I was in graduate school that I discovered I could actually write about
comics, I've been an avid reader of graphic narratives, comic strips, and underground
comix since childhood. I've published several pieces about comics art, and I'm currently
co-editing a collection called BOOM! #*@&! Splat: Violence and Comics (University
of Mississippi, under contract). But I don't just write about comics--I've published
one of my own--and I also teach courses helping students learn how to make their own
comics. Some of the students who have enrolled in my How to Make a Comic Book courses
are convinced they can't draw or aren't creative enough to pull it off. But the beautiful
and incredible thing about comics is that it's a simple language anyone can learn--even
if all you can draw are stick figures. I'm excited to help students discover the power
of graphic novels, memoirs, comic strips, and cartoons by reading and making them.
(Read a recent comic here: https://littlevillagemag.com/comics-issue-2019-predictions-by-jo-davis-mcelligatt/)
What do you tell students or parents of students who are concerned about job prospects
after graduation?
I empathize with anxieties about job prospects, and understand concerns about the
relative value of a college degree in our current moment. That's why I would encourage
students to think long and hard about what they love, what interests them, what drives
them--and major in that. Things change very quickly, and we desperately need dynamic
and nimble thinkers, interpreters, creators, artists, visionaries, and researchers
in as many areas of human life as possible. Majors in the liberal arts and social
sciences are equipped with tools necessary for navigating the world as it is, and
for being part of transforming the world into what it will become. And for any anxious
parents, I'd tell them that I went to the University of Kansas to be a medical doctor,
and left as a Creative Writing major, but that ultimately following my interests and
cultivating my talents was the best decision I ever made--and I'm still a doctor!