Brooke Dearing

brooke's headshot

Contact Brooke at

Degree(s): Converged Broadcast Media with a Minor in Political Science

Favorite Course(s): MRTS 4850 TV News Producing, MRTS 4106 Contemporary British Broadcasting

Something I wish I knew as a Freshman: Something I wish I knew as a college freshman would be the power of showing up. You would be amazed by the opportunities that will come your way just by putting yourself out there!

Why did you become an ambassador? I became an Ambassador because of my love for this program and helping others. I love to use my story to help inspire others to follow their dreams.

What is your favorite memory from your time at UNT? My favorite memory would be the time I stayed in the ntTV office all night writing the scripts for our Primary Election Show. I made so many close friendships laughing, talking, and brainstorming that night.

How do you plan to use your degree? I plan on using my degree to become a News Producer and Reporter before moving into News Management.