Contact Anaia at

Degree(s): Technical and Professional Communication

Favorite Course(s): TECM 3010- The Profession of technical Communication, PADM 4050- Negotiation

Something I wish I knew as a Freshman: College requires us to be self-sufficient, where many times we may find ourselves underprepared to face situations out of our control, but as students, we are not powerless. As students, the responsibility falls on our shoulders to ask the right questions to our authorities, to do our own online research, to reach out to faculty and staff when we need help, to closely monitor our academic records, and to double-check after our professors and advisors.

Why did you become an ambassador? I became an ambassador because I stand behind what the tech. comm. program represents and I believe in the opportunities that this department provides its students. Being an ambassador allows me to network with many new students within my major!

What is your favorite memory from your time at UNT? My favorite UNT memory so far has been traveling to Chicago and spending a week with the UNT Debate team at Nationals.

How do you plan to use your degree? I plan to use my degree to become a language transcriber!

Maia Pacini

maia's headshot

Contact Maia at

Degree(s): B.S. in Technical Communication/Minor in English

Favorite Course(s): TECM 4300 UX & Usability, ENGL 4230 Special Topics in Rhetoric & Writing Studies (Rhetoric,Writing, Literature & Gaming)

Something I wish I knew as a Freshman: I wish I had known that sometimes it is okay to quit. I started as a dual-degree student and realized quickly that the benefits were minimal compared to the amount of stress it caused me.

Why did you become an ambassador? Since tech comm is such a small major, I wanted to help like-minded students find my department.The department has tons of opportunities for majors, and I want to help others gain those experiences.

What is your favorite memory from your time at UNT? My favorite memory so far is studying abroad in Dublin over the summer, although I still have lots of time to make more!

How do you plan to use your degree? I would like to go into a technical writing/editing field. I only plan on completing undergrad right now, but maybe I'll explore grad options in the future.