Psychology Ambassadors | College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

Psychology Ambassadors

Michelle Cornish

Contact Michelle at

Degree(s): B.S. in psychology and B.A. in English with a concentration in creative writing

Favorite Course(s): Quantitative Methods, Experimental Methods, and Milton

Something I wish I knew as a Freshman: You're not invincible. Keep up with your physical checkups, reach out when you're struggling, don't eat rice that has been left on the counter overnight, and wear a helmet.

Why did you become an ambassador? Just like the mentors that gave me a chance and guided me from ground zero, I wish to teach psychology students to be aware of-- and zealously reach for-- every opportunity on- or off- campus.

What is your favorite memory from your time at UNT? Meeting my best friends for the first time at a 2020 presidential election watch party where we sidetracked and bonded over Garfield facts.

How do you plan to use your degree? I hope to first go to graduate school for a doctorate in clinical psychology, then one day open my own research lab!

Hannah DuPré

Contact Hannah at

Degree(s): B.S. in Psychology

Favorite Course(s): Race in the US and Social Psychology

Something I wish I knew as a Freshman: I wish I knew it was okay to ask questions in class regardless of what your peers may think. Get to know your professors, talk to your classmates, and schedule time for assignments ahead of time to ensure you meet deadlines and have a positive work life balance.

Why did you become an ambassador? I became an ambassador because I wanted to be a friend by inspiring Psychology underclassmen to be involved in school programs and helping guide them to be successful early on.

What is your favorite memory from your time at UNT? My favorite memory was when we had discussion in my racial psychology class on topics that applied to the world's current condition.

How do you plan to use your degree? I plan to go to graduate school and become a licensed therapist that specializes in sexual assault trauma with my own private practice.